About me
You may have found this site because you are currently looking for a psychotherapist for you or somebody you do care. The psychotherapist is not merely a socratic detached observer uttering good advice but a genuine caring guide who helps us to lay bare conflicting emotions, painful thought-patterns and unconscious desires. Psychotherapy is therefore about finding one’s own language, one’s own pattern of speech. As C.G.Jung once remarked every patient is in need of a genuine individual therapy. This is what I strive to offer you.

Dr. Kamyar Nowidi, M.A. has a background of eminent clinical experiences in treating all variety of psychiatric disorders being a long standing psychiatrist cum psychotherapist. He was coordinator and head of an ADHD special outpatients section for adults of the renowned psychiatric clinic at the LMU and has been working as special consultant for psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine within campus Großhadern, LMU, for a number of years alongside setting up his own practice. Speaker at numerous events and conferences regarding multiple treatment options for adult ADHD patients. He has extensive experience of working with patients suffering from the whole range of mental health disorders, and has also been working therapeutically in the field of psychoses. For many years he has been involved in intensive clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy for the severely mentally unwell.
Dr. med. Kamyar Nowidi M.A.
Dr. Nowidi has studied English literature, history, philosophy and medicine inter alia at Oxford University (Exeter College), St.-Leonhard’s College, St.-Andrews, Scotland and the LMU, Munich before undertaking his training in psychoanalysis with the Münchner Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Psychoanalyse (M.A.P) and the C.G Jung Institute in Munich. His doctoral dissertation was written at the crossection of medicine and history of science and dissects the different concepts of hysteria at the end of 19th-century as a paradigm shift to modernity. He has extensive experience of teaching and training in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and therapeutic interventions. Dr. Nowidi is a training/supervising psychoanalyst and a certified Jungian analyst as well. He is a university lecturer and holds teaching positions at various psychodynamic institutes in Munich, Nürnberg and Zuerich. He regularly presents seminars and professional clinical training programmes and lectures about various strands of psychopatholgy at conferences and within special clinic lectures. In addition to clinical psychiatry and psychoanalysis, he is interested in continental philosophy (e.g. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Foucault etc.), Lacanian psychoanalysis, intersubjective system of psychoanalysis and Literary Theory.
Publication record
Publications related to Psychiatry, History of Science, Psychoanalysis and Modern Literary Theory.